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My name is Daniel Muravsky, PhD, SFHEA, CMBE, and I am currently a Senior lecturer in marketing and London unit leader at the School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the West of Scotland (London).
I am an educator in marketing with over 12 years of teaching experience, catering to students from BSc to EMBA levels. My passion lies in teaching marketing to non-marketers, introducing them to marketing strategy, customer orientation, and meaningful communications. I achieve this by integrating marketing analytics into managerial decision-making and gamifying the students' journey to ensure engagement. I never teach a module the same way twice, constantly seeking innovative methods. I am proud to have received numerous awards, including distinctions for teaching, innovation, and case writing.
I am a researcher in brand alliances, gamification, and marketing communications during crises. I hold a PhD in Marketing and have authored over 40 scientific and practitioner-related publication outputs. My interests also include fostering a productive research atmosphere in institutions. I have served as Vice Dean, Head of a research lab, and currently, as Research Staff Forum London Lead, working on motivation systems, networking, and building healthy research cultures.
I am a professional marketer and manager with over a decade of experience in leadership positions. I have launched a digital learning studio, headed a research lab, directed the top BSc marketing program in the country, and currently manage a unit of teaching staff in London. I have been recognized as one of the most effective program leaders at HSE and received the Champion title from the Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) for promoting socially responsible management in education.
Finally, I am a fan of using gamification in my teaching, research, and management practices. I am always happy to share details about my gamification practices—the breakthroughs, the failures, and the crazy—and even more eager to learn about yours!
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